MedAdvisor provides pharmacists with a patient consultation module to record any encounter with a patient that is not covered by other specific service forms. The module is integrated with FOXO secure messaging to provide a notification or referral to the patients GP or other health practitioners.
Please follow these steps:
- In the left-hand menu select Patients
- Search for the patient or select from the recently dispensed list
- Select the Patient Consult drop-down and choose Patient Consult
- Review and update the patient information making sure all compulsory fields are filled out
- Select your profile from the Pharmacist details section
- Select the tick box after the patient has consented to the service
- View the patient Medications from your dispense records and manually enter other medications
- Enter reason for consultation
- Select Service category from the drop down list
- Enter clinical notes
- Select follow up date (if applicable)
- Attach any supporting files or images
- The Notification and referrals section allows you send a secure message to other health practitioners. Please click the below article for more.
Notifications and referrals - Send Secure Messages powered by FOXO – MedAdvisor
- At the bottom of the form (and the top), you may select Delete, Save draft or Complete - as long as all compulsory fields have been entered.