To sign up a patient to the app using Instant Sign Up, please follow these steps:
- In the left-hand menu, select Patients
- Search for the patient or select from the Recently dispensed customers list
Please note: You may search by name, address, medicare number or date of birth.
- Patients who are NOT previously signed up to App or SMS reminders or Unsubscribed will show Sign Up under User Type. Select Sign up.
- The Sign up patient pop-up will appear with App and Instant Sign-up is preselected. You can also view the patients Drug profile.
Please note: Patient information including name, mobile and email will pre-populate from dispense.
- Under Patient details enter the patient's mobile number and e-mail address. Also, enter your Staff initials to indicate that the patient consents to the app sign up
- Select Save & close
- The patient's User Type will update to App - Pending verification
The patient will receive an SMS with a secure link to create their password. Once their password is created, they will then be prompted to download the app from the AppStore or GooglePLAY. The patient can then log in, using their email OR mobile number and their password.