When recording an immunisation service (including Flu and Covid vaccinations) in MedAdvisor for Pharmacy software, you can view the following information from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR):
- History
- Contraindications
- Alerts
- Natural Immunity
- Due
- Trial
- Statement
The history tab shows up-to-date immunisation history from the Australian Immunisation Register including date, vaccine type, dose number and comments. This list can be refreshed to show recent vaccinations.
Contraindications are updated via the Australian Immunisation Register show date, vaccine, type, anaphylaxis and reason.
Alerts will show any contraindications, ATSI status (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status) or if the patient is high risk.
Natural Immunity
Shows data on any excemptions based on the patients demonstrated natural history.
Lists any vaccines that are due for the patient.
Lists any vaccination trials that the patient may currently or previously have participated in.
Allows you to view, print and email the patients current immunisations history statement.
For instructions on how to e-mail a statement to a patient CLICK HERE