MedAdvisor for Pharmacy allows you to generate a Service Report for any service recorded at your pharmacy. Please follow these steps:
- In the left-hand menu of MedAdvisor for Pharmacy, select Patients
- Select the Reports dropdown and select Service Report
- Select the date range (choose the start and end date of the report)
Please note: This month is pre-selected
- Enter the consultation name (optional) to filter the report by consultation type
- Enter the Patient Name (optional) to filter the report to one specific patient
- Filter by document status (optional) to filter by completed, deleted and draft services as well as services where the patient has been marked as ineligible OR a form has been reopened (QSOP only).
- Select Follow-up date (optional) and select the date to filter the report by consultations that have a follow-up date specified
- The report will show the total records and show all patient consultations based on the above filters
- To download the report select Download in the top right-hand corner.
This will generate an excel file of the report that will be available in your downloads folder.