MedAdvisor for Pharmacy allows pharmacists to complete an UTI consultation with a patient. Please follow these steps:
- Select Patients in the left-hand menu
- Search for the patient by surname, first name, address, medicare number or date of birth OR select from the Recently dispensed customers list OR select Add patient to manually enter the patients' details
- Next to the patient's details, select Record Service
- Check the patients CONSULTATION HISTORY.
- View the Patient Information, including any patients notes, consultation history, medication list and more. Select the Services drop-down and select UTI Initial Service or UTI Follow Up
- Under Patient Information, make sure all compulsory fields are filled out e.g DOB and Sex
- Under Consulting pharmacist details, today's date is pre-populated but can be changed. Select your profile from the Pharmacist drop-down
- Continue down the form to complete each section (including all mandatory fields)
- Under PHARMACIST SUITABILITY, you must select the check box to indicate that you have completed the required training.
There is also links to the following state protocols:
- Under PATIENT CONSENT select all compulsory sections.
Please note: The patient must consent to the service and the collection of their personal information.
- Answer the Additional demographic for pilot evaluation
- In the SCREENING QUESTIONS section, select the Sex (anatomical) and Age, as well as answering Does the patient have any allergies or had previous adverse events to medications/antibiotics?
Please note: Age is prepopulated based on DOB in Patient Details
- Fill out the ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA including all compulsory fields.
- Under TREATMENT, select all that apply.
There is also the ability to capture consent regarding accessing and reporting to My Health Record, if the patient consents
- Please take the patient through the SELF-CARE TIPS
- At the top and the bottom of the form, you can save a draft, delete or complete the form.
- Once you have completed the form, select REFERRAL (PDF), GP LETTER (PDF) and SERVICE SUMMARY (PDF) to download and print.