MedAdvisor for Pharmacy allows pharmacists to complete an Administration of injection consultation with a patient. Please follow these steps:
- Select Record Services in the left-hand menu
Alternatively, if you are accessing MedAdvisor for Pharmacy web-version select Patients in the left-hand menu.
- Search for the patient by surname, first name, address, medicare number or date of birth OR select from the Recently dispensed customers list OR select Add patient to manually enter the patients details
- Next to the patient's details, select Record Service
- View the Patient Information, including any patients notes, consultation history, medication list and more. Select the Services drop-down and select Administration of injection
- Under Patient Information, make sure all compulsory fields are filled out e.g DOB
- Under Consulting pharmacist details, today's date is pre-populated but can be changed. Select your profile from the Pharmacist drop-down
- Under Patient consent, select the tick box when the patient consents
- Answer the question under Pre-administration review
Please note: If 'No' is selected, review previous administers doses and feel out the details.
- Under Injection details select the drug from the Drug list, enter Injection time, Route of injection and Number of units administered
Please note: Medications from dispense will show in the drug selection.
- Select Site of administration from the dropdown, enter Batch number and Expiry date (mm/yy)
- Enter Total dose administered and Next dose date (dd/mm/yyyy) as well as any comments
- Under GP details (option for notification advice), select the patient's usual prescriber or Other. The patient's Health practitioner will appear automatically from dispense but can be changed.
- Select the -> arrow (see screenshot above) to View health practitioner details in the pop-up
- The Discipline will auto-populate from dispense but can be selected e.g Medical Practitioner
- Enter any Comments to include on GP advice PDF document
- Under Post-administration monitoring, select the check box if the patient remained in the pharmacy for the required observation period
Please note: There is also information for you to report any adverse events
- At the bottom of the form (and the top), you may select Delete, Save draft or Complete - as long as all compulsory fields have been entered.
- Once completed, scroll to the top of the form to access the downloadable GP advice PDF and the Service summary PDF