MedAdvisor for Pharmacy allows pharmacists to record and complete a COVID-19 rapid antigen test for a patient. Please follow these steps:
- Select Record Services in the left-hand menu
Alternatively, if you are accessing MedAdvisor for Pharmacy web-version select Patients in the left-hand menu.
- Search for the patient by surname, first name, address, medicare number or date of birth OR select from the Recently dispensed customers list OR select Add patient to manually enter the patients details
- Next to the patient's details, select Record Service
- View the Patient Information, including any patients notes, consultation history, medication list and more. Select the Services drop-down and choose COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test
- Under Patient Information, make sure all compulsory fields are filled out e.g DOB
- Under Consulting pharmacist details, today's date is pre-populated but can be changed. Select your profile from the Pharmacist drop-down
- Under Passport details (if applicable) enter the patients Passport number and Passport issued by/Nationality
Please note: This is an optional step
- Under Rapid antigen test details the Test time is pre-filled out as the time the form was opened but can be edited.
- Select the Test method drop-down and select the correct option
- Enter RAT product name and batch number
- Select the Result drop down and select the result of the test
- Add any notes to the Additional information section, as required
- At the bottom and the top of the form you may select Delete, Save Draft and as long as you have filled out all compulsory fields, select Complete
- The consultation will appear in the patients' Consultation History with the status Completed, Draft, Deleted