To set up Pharmacist Consultation booking availability, as part of the Community Pharmacy Scope of Practice Pilot (Queensland), please follow these steps:
- Launch PlusOne (desktop version only) and select Health Services Hub in the left-hand menu of PlusOne
- Click on the Pharmacist Consultation tile and select the arrow in the top right-hand corner
- Select Get Started to view eligible patients and continue with the set up
- Select Set up
- Click Set up next to 'Set Price'
- Enter the price you will charge for a standard pharmacist consultation and select Save. Please refer to mandatory pricing guidelines.
- Click Set up next to 'Set up Booking Website'
- Select 'Use MedAdvisor to accept bookings (Recommended)' and 'Customers book their Pharmacist Consultation on the MedAdvisor website'
Please note: We highly recommend saving and bookmarking your Customer Booking website. Click here for more.
Your customer booking website link can also be accessed from the MedAdvisor Calendar.
- Click Save and OK
- Click Set up next to 'Set Dates and Times' to configure your booking availability
- You can choose to Use Existing Calendar availability by selecting the booking duration e.g 30 mins and selecting an existing Consultation Room that have previously been set up in your MedAdvisor calendar.
- Alternatively, you can 'Select Individual Days' OR 'Select Days of the Week'
- Enter your availability for Pharmacist Consultations and click Save
- You will now see three (3) ticks next to each part of the Set up.
Your patients will now be able to make Pharmacist Consultation bookings on your booking page.
Patients can select the date and time of their booking and enter their details (including all compulsory fields) to make a booking. When making a booking patients must enter the Reason for consultation and Relevant background information, as well as provide consent before clicking Submit.
Pharmacist Consultation bookings will be visible in the Home screen of PlusOne under Booked services with today's bookings visible by default.
You can also view bookings in the Calendar - select Manage calendar to view.
If you have any questions, please contact us via or call 1300 909 917.
For more information on the Health Services Hub - CLICK HERE
For more information on the MedAdvisor Calendar - CLICK HERE
To access the Calendar - Set Up Quick Start Guide - CLICK HERE
Please note: The Calendar Quick Setup Guide is also available next to Step 1. on the MedAdvisor Calendar.