To record a Therapeutic Adaption or Substitution consultation, follow these steps:
- Log into the web version of PlusOne by MedAdvisor. CLICK HERE for how to access the web platform
- The following sections must be filled out to complete the form:
- Patient Information
- Pharmacist details
- Consent and reason for consultation
- Therapeutic adaption or substitution
- Notifications and referrals
- Consultation outcome
- In the Home section, search for a patient and select Search OR select a patient from Booked services OR the Recently dispensed customers list
- If the patient is NOT in your dispense system, click Add patient in the top right-hand corner.
Enter all compulsory fields and select Save patient
- Select Patient details
- Review Patient information and Patient notes.
- Select the QSOP dropdown in the top right-hand corner and choose Therapeutic Adaptation or Substitution
Patient Eligibility
- At the top of the form, you may select Mark patient ineligible if the patient is not eligible for the service, after they have made a booking.
- A pop-up will appear. Clinical service type is preselected as 'Therapeutic Adaptation or Substitution'
- Select from the Reason pilot service not provided drop-down list
- Answer the question Did patient receive usual pharmacy care? and add additional details below
- Specify if the patient consents to be contacted for evaluation from the drop-down
- Select MARK INELIGIBLE or CANCEL to undo this action
Patient information
- Review and update the Patient information section, making sure to fill out all compulsory fields
Please note: We recommend to update information in your dispense system.
Consulting pharmacist details
- Under Consulting pharmacist details, today's date is pre-populated but this can be changed by selecting the calendar icon.
- Select from the Pharmacist drop-down list.
If you do not see your details in the Pharmacist drop-down list. Select the + icon, enter all compulsory fields including Pharmacist details, Immuniser details and Prescribing and secure messaging details. Consent to Hola account (for prescribing) and select Add pharmacist
Consent and reason for consultation
Select Clinical & financial and/or Pilot evaluation to view the 'Informed Clinical Consent' and Pilot information sheet.
The patient is asked to provide consent when making their booking online and you can see this under 'Consent'.
If the patient has not booked online, you must ask the patient for their clinical, financial and evaluation consent and select the corresponding tick boxes. All consents must be provided to proceed.
- If consent is provided by a substitute decision maker e.g a carer, select the check box and enter the name of the substitute decision maker.
- The patient must provide re-consent during the consultation, if the patient or pharmacy booked an appointment. Answer the compulsory question, For patient bookings or if the pharmacy made the booking, select "Yes, patient still consents" to reconfirm consent by selecting the drop down. The patient may remove consent at anytime.
Please note: This selection will not appear for services launched with you pre-booked appointment.
- You will also see the patients' answers made while booking to the below questions. This section can be updated.
Therapeutic adaption or substitution
- Record any high-level Clinical notes
Prescribed Medication
- Under Prescribed medication the Past Dispensed tab will show any drugs previously dispensed. To select the drug that is to be changed, click Select
- If the patients' current medication (to be changed) does not appear in the Past Dispensed tab, select the Add new medication tab
- To Add new medication, select the Add new medication tab and start typing the drug under Medication name (and select from the drop list of matching medications)
- Select strength/form, search brand, add date of last supply, Route, Qty, Date supplied, Directions and Dispense ID
New Medication
- To record the new medication the patient will now be taking, select from Past Dispensed list of drugs and click Select OR click the Add a medication tab
- After selecting a drug from the Past Dispensed tab, fill out the New route, New Qty and Date of last supply
- Alternatively, select the Add a medication tab and type the new medication in the New medication name section
- After selecting a drug from the Add a medication tab, fill out the New route, New Qty and Date of last supply
- Enter New Directions and Reason for adaptation/substitution
- Enter Dispense ID
- Select Original prescriber notified as either Yes or No
Please note: If you select 'No', enter the reason
Notifications and referrals
Click here to access the knowledge article on secure messaging (powered by FOXO)
Please note: DO NOT go to Foxo directly to create an account. Your account will be created as part of the MedAdvisor onboarding process.
Consulting outcome
- Select Consultation length
- The Clinical Service Type is preselected as Therapeutic adaption or substitution.
- Click REVIEW CLINICAL PROTOCOL to review the protocols.
- Select from the list in Consultation summary (You may select more than one)
- If a referral was made via PDF or secure message, Referral Made will be automatically selected and you must select the reason/s for referral
At the bottom (and the top) of the form, you can Save a draft at any time. You can also Delete or Complete the Pharmacist Consultation form, as long as you have completed all compulsory fields.
After completing the form, you may REOPEN it at a later stage to update notes and pathology results.
If you have any questions, please contact us via or call 1300 909 917.