Request Scripts is a service provided by MedAdvisor Solutions to manage and send owing prescriptions to the relevant prescribers (doctors) via a secure web platform called GP Connect or fax summary. Please follow the instructions to set up the Request Scripts feature in MedAdvisor for Pharmacy software.
Please follow the below steps:
- Configure Settings
- Import Prescribers
- Import Scripts
- Send Scripts
The first step in setting up Request Scripts is to configure your settings.
- Click on Doctors in the main menu of MedAdvisor for Pharmacy and then select Request scripts
- Select Settings ⚙ in the top right menu options
- Click the Script requests tab. Here you need to enter your Pharmacy Default Area Code so that faxes are sent correctly. Please disregard this step, if you are not sending fax summaries to doctors or facilities.
- Go to the Facilities to view your facilities and set you script request import preferences against each facility.
- Once your settings are entered, you can click Save
Please note: Facilities will be automatically imported when an owing script is dispensed linked to the patient/facility. If the facility is added to dispense but no linked owings are found, the facility will be imported overnight and will be visible the next day.
Import Prescribers
Now you have configured your settings, you will need to set up your prescribers (doctors).
- Click on Manage Prescribers in the main menu of MedAdvisor for Pharmacy
- Select import prescribers with request scripts or Import Prescribers in the top right-hand corner.
- Select the Prescribers with Owings from the Filter by prescriber drop-down menu
Please note: This import can take some time depending on the volume of prescribers that are in your database, so please wait for loading to complete before exiting or reloading.
- Once import is complete you will see all prescribers. You must select how the prescriber would like to receive their scripts. MedAdvisor for Pharmacy allows you to send them via Fax Summary, Print Script or Summary or Online - sent via the GP Connect secure portal.
- To set up each prescriber you can select their name to view the action menu. Select Output controls
- Set as ONLINE, FAX Summaries or PRINT.
Please note: You must have an email address for the prescriber if sending ONLINE OR a Fax number if sending FAX summaries.
- Emails and Fax numbers will pre-populate from dispense, but if you require you can select the prescriber (doctor) and select the Edit menu and choose Edit Email to change the e-mail address.
- Enter the email address and select OK
- To edit Fax number, you will need to edit the number in dispense, then right click on the doctor and select Refresh Prescriber Details in the Output controls menu
- Your prescribers are now set up. Go to the Request scripts tab to send script requests.