Applies to: MedAdvisor App, PlusOne Calendar, PlusOne Record Services, Flu Pre-Screening Form.
Customers are able to complete a pre-screening consent form for flu vaccination bookings via the Professional Services section of the MedAdvisor App and / or the customer booking link provided to customers via a PlusOne Calendar link.
The pre-screening form is automatically turned on for all pharmacies, however, filling out the form is optional for customers.
Please note, the pre-screening form has to be done within 24 hours. In the case where an appointment has been booked outside of 24 hours e.g. booked today for next week, the pre-screening form would come with the reminder (email and / or SMS depending on Calendar Settings) 24 hours prior.
If a patient chooses to fill out the pre-screening form before their appointment on the App or via the Link, below is the information they are required to fill out:
1. The patient will book the appointment by entering First Name, Last Name, Mobile and Email (and security question)
2. As this booking is made less than 24 hours prior to the appointment, the pre-screening consent form can be completed once Next is selected.
The customer can tick if any of the below is applicable to them and can write any additional notes for the pharmacy, then Confirm Booking and they will see a booking confirmation.
When the customer comes in to the pharmacy at their booked time, the pharmacy can currently access their pre-screening form via the following 2 options:
OPTION 1. Health Services Hub > Pharmacist Flu Program > Print Completed Pre - Screening form
The pre-screening form will have the First Name, Last Name, Mobile, Email, any pre-screen conditions ticked and any notes.
OPTION 2: PlusOne Calendar > Click on booking appointment > Select Print Pre-Screening Form or 'Open in Record Services'
Print the pre-screen from or click on the 'Open in Record Services' link in the booking, the pre-screen information will populate in the patients profile in Record Services.
If you have any further questions, please contact us on Support
We're always happy to help. Our support team is available Monday to Friday, 9AM–5PM (AEST).