1. When SMS replies are received, a pop-up notification will appear on the bottom right-hand side of your computer screen
2. Click on the pop-up or launch PlusOne to view the order in the For a more detailed view of the order, click view
3. Dispense and prepare the items in the order.
4. Once dispensed, click Ready to Collect (this will send an SMS to the patient and move this reply to the Completed folder) OR Dismiss (this will NOT send an SMS and move this reply to the Completed folder). Note that this is an additional SMS that will be sent to the patient.
The “Completed” tab shows all the SMS replies that have either been actioned by clicking “Dismiss” or “Ready to Collect”.
The “Sent” tab shows the SMS messages (automated and manual) that have been sent from your Pharmacy.
The “Scheduled” tab shows the SMS messages that are to be sent in the timeframe selected.
For more information please download the SMS Quick Start Guide