Applies to : PlusOne - Record Services
To delete a pharmacist from the Pharmacist drop-down in Professional Services forms, follow the below steps:
- Open PlusOne and select Record Services on the right hand side.
- Select an example patient from the list or by searching their surname. This can be any patient as this change will not show up on their consultation history.
- With the Patient Details open, select any service from the drop downs at the top.
- Select the pharmacist that you wish to delete in the Pharmacist drop-down.
- Click on the Modify button next to the pharmacist name (the button appears as a piece of paper with a pencil in it).
- Once the Pharmacist Details window appears, select Delete on the bottom-right side.
- Select Delete once more in the confirmation window that appears.
Performing these steps will remove Pharmacist names from the Pharmacist drop-down for services.
If you have any further questions, please contact us on Support
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