If you're unsure about any of the terms below, your IT team should be able to assist you in making sure PlusOne can run on your system
Please note that depending on what other software you run on your Terminals and how many patients you have signed up to the system, you may need a higher specification than what is listed here in order for PlusOne to run as smoothly as possible.
Operating System:
Microsoft Windows Server 2016, 2012 R2, 2012, or 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit, 64 bit recommended)
Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit, 64 bit recommended)
Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit, 64 bit recommended)
.NET Framework 4.5.2 or above must be installed for PlusOne to function
Requirements for the Main (Server) Terminal:
2.1 GHz Intel Core i5 Gen 4 processor or faster (Core i5 Gen 4 2.6 GHz or faster recommended)
Minimum 8GB RAM
5GB hard disk space
32-bit colour, 1024x768 Screen Resolution
Requirements for Desktop (Slave) Terminals:
2.1 GHz Intel Core i3 Gen 4 processor or faster (Core i5 Gen 4 2.6 GHz or faster recommended)
Minimum 4GB RAM (8GB recommended)
2GB hard disk space
32-bit colour, 1024x768 Screen Resolution
Broadband internet connection
Firewall access (allow exceptions for *.hnotes.com.au and *.medadvisor.com.au where required)
Shared network access for all computers running the PlusOne software
Windows Security:
Administrative Privileges are required to install and uninstall the program