MedAdvisor Business Insights provides you with a view into the metrics of how your pharmacies and customer engagement is performing. MedAdvisor has curated this platform to deliver a simplified, consistent, and clear view of different services and measures available through the PlusOne Platform.
MAPv2 provides the following reports:
Orders tab: Total number of App orders, total in app payments, deliveries, average order value,
User’s tab: Summary of users, active users, SMS users, Carers
- Go to Business Insight on the left-hand side of PlusOne
- Select the required Date view from the drop down Eg. Day, week, or month
- Select the Date range from the drop down
- Select a report Category Eg. Orders OR Users
- Select Apply the date range will then change on the top right-hand side of the screen.
- To download the report in an excel spreadsheet select the downward facing arrow
Staff sign up report
To view the staff in your pharmacy that are actively signing up customers to the app.
- Go to Business Insight on the left-hand side of PlusOne
- Select Users
- Select the required Date range
- Select Staff sign ups to generate a report