For instructions on the Victorian Pilot, please CLICK HERE
Please follow these steps:
- Select Record Services in the left-hand menu of PlusOne
- Search for the patient and select SEARCH or select from recently dispense list.
- Check the patients CONSULTATION HISTORY. Select the SERVICE drop down and select UTI INITIAL SERVICE or UTI FOLLOW UP
- Select from the Pharmacist drop down under PHARMACIST DETAILS
- Continue down the form to complete each section (including all mandatory fields)
- Under PHARMACIST SUITABILITY, you must select the check box to indicate that you have completed the required training.
There is also links to the following state protocols:
- Under PATIENT CONSENT select all compulsory sections.
The patient must consent to the service and the collection of their personal information.
- In the SCREENING QUESTIONS section, select the Sex (anatomical) and Age, as well as answering Does the patient have any allergies or had previous adverse events to medications/antibiotics?
- Fill out the ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA including all compulsory fields.
- Under TREATMENT, select all that apply.
There is also the ability to capture consent regarding accessing and reporting to My Health Record, if the patient consents
- Please take the patient through the SELF-CARE TIPS
At the top and the bottom of the form, you can save a draft, delete or complete the form.
Once you have completed the form, select REFERRAL (PDF), GP LETTER (PDF) and SERVICE SUMMARY (PDF) to download and print.